Supports | Tautoko

Enabling Good Lives Waikato

Available in Hamilton

Enabling Good Lives Waikato

Your Way | Kia Roha supports disabled people receiving funding from Enabling Good Lives Waikato to manage their budgets, pay their support workers, and become better employers. All requests for this support must be made through an Enabling Good Lives Waikato connector.

Enabling Good Lives is a partnership between the disability sector and government agencies aimed at long term transformation of how disabled people and families are supported to live everyday lives. The initiative brings funding from the Ministries of Health, Education and Social Development together in a single package that can be used flexibly, whether it is for employment, education, training, sports, recreation, or connections within the community.

Your Way | Kia Roha is not part of Enabling Good Lives and does not help people get Enabling Good Lives funding. Instead, we can provide support to people who already have this funding.

To request our support to manage your Enabling Good Lives funding or to help you employ and pay support workers, phone us on 0800 008 011 or fill in this form. 

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"Having someone who listens to you and doesn’t judge your whānau is not easy. I have never dealt with someone who makes every interaction so easy – we appreciate everything you do for Darling. From day one when we walked into Your Way | Kia Roha, you said we will make it work for what is best for your whānau."
Heather Brown – Darling Mei Brown’s mother
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