Supporting Whānau in Tairāwhiti
As part of a Manaaki Tairāwhiti initiative, our Navigators work with whānau to support them through their social care journey and help them overcome barriers to getting support from different agencies.
We communicate the experiences of whānau to social sector decision-makers in real-time, highlighting barriers put in place by the system as well as any whānau needs that are not being met. These learnings are used for system change across the Tairāwhiti social care sector to ensure the populations’ needs are met in the most effective way by a cohesive supportive social care network.
About Manaaki Tairāwhiti
Manaaki Tairāwhiti is an iwi-led cross-sectoral forum that provides locally-focused leadership that enables whānau perspectives to shape how services connect. It provides a united leadership that enables all whānau to flourish in Tairāwhiti by providing the sector with locally-focused united leadership through connected governance and stewardship of programme and service delivery.
How To Get Started
To get started with any of our Connections & Funding services, simply get in touch with us. We’ll guide you through the next steps.
Our team love helping people with disabilities, and their family | whānau and carers, to get access to the support and funding they need.