Contact | Whakapā

Help Us Get It Right

We want to get it right, so we appreciate you telling us what you think of our service. Sometimes things don’t go right – this is how we aim to resolve your concerns.

  1. Tell us about your concerns
  2. If your concern is not resolved, you can contact us
  3. We will acknowledge your concern or complaint within five working days
  4. We will look into your concern and report back to you within 20 working days

Your rights when receiving health or disability services

  1. Respect: The right to be treated with respect
  2. Fair treatment: The right to freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation
  3. Dignity and independence: The right to dignity and independence
  4. Proper standards: The right to services of an appropriate standard
  5. Communication: The right to effective communication
  6. Information: The right to be fully informed
  7. It’s your decision: The right to make an informed choice and give informed consent
  8. Support: The right to support
  9. Teaching and research: Rights in respect of teaching and research
  10. Complaints: The right to complain

For more information on your rights and how to make a complaint, visit or contact the Health and Disability Commissioner.

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