Supports | Tautoko

Transition Programme – From School to Adult Life

Available in Hamilton

This programme helps prepare disabled students, aged from 16 to 21, to transition smoothly into post-school education, employment and / or community services and activities. For best results, this programme should be started at the beginning of the student’s final year of school.

What is the Transition Programme?

Transition is a process that occurs for young people who are in their last year of high school and preparing to move on. Transition planning involves setting goals and developing skills and experiences to lead a happy, purposeful, and productive life after school. The process is driven by the student and their family / whānau .

How does our Transition Programme work?

  • Your Way | Kia Roha will meet with the student, their family / whānau and the school to make the transition from school to adult life as easy as possible.
  • We help the student make a transition plan based on their skills and strengths so they can meet their goals.
  • We work with the student, their school, and their family throughout their final year at school to achieve the goals that are set in the Transition Plan.
  • We provide one-on-one support to help students work towards their goals and transition smoothly from school life into successful and fulfilling futures. This support is continued for 12 months after the student leaves school.
  • The student is actively engaged in determining and implementing their future goals.

Who can access the Your Way | Kia Roha Transition Programme?

  • Students with a disability who are funded as part of the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) and need support to achieve a successful transition into post school activities.
  • Disabled students aged from 16 to 21 who are preparing to leave school, preferably at the beginning of their final school year.

How will Transition benefit School Leavers?

The transition programme will help school leavers:

  • Identify a clear plan to enter adulthood and live a more independent life.
  • Improve self-esteem, confidence, and motivation through participation and self-development.
  • Gain knowledge of the services available to them.
  • Identify dreams and goals for the future.
  • Build personal development and social skills.
  • Prepare to participate in employment, including:
    • Career planning and guidance
    • Job search skills and work confidence
    • Job seeking and placement/work experience
    • Individual vocational plans.
  • Prepare to participate in the community, including:
    • Voluntary work
    • Inclusion and participation in community living
    • Activities that develop skills for daily living and participating in your community.


The Transition Programme is offered in Hamilton. Our support staff can come to you, so if you’re located in Hamilton, do contact us. 

It’s Free

There is no cost to students or their families to use our Transition Programme.

The Programme is coordinated by Your Way | Kia Roha staff and provides one-on-one support.

When Should We Start with Transition?

The best time to connect students into our Transition Programme is at the start of their final year of school. We want to walk alongside them throughout their final year, and the year following that, to help them make a smooth transition.

To get the best out of the Programme, it is important that students do not wait until the end of the year to enrol. Students get the most benefit and best outcomes when they are in the Transition Programme for their full final year at school.

How to get Started

Step 1

If you have a student who is entering their final year of school, and meets the eligibility criteria above, simply contact the Your Way | Kia Roha Transition Programme Coordinator. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to find their contact details. 

You could be a teacher or family / whānau member – whatever your connection, we’re happy to speak with you about the programme. A visit will then be organised to provide the student and their family / whānau or school with information about the programme so together, we can discuss some options.

Step 2

Once our staff have discussed options with the student, the family / whānau and / or the school, the student can decide to enrol in our Transition Programme. We will complete the enrolment process and sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Step 3

Once enrolment is complete and eligibility is confirmed, we will start working with the student to develop their individual Transition Plan. 


To register your interest or find out more about the Transition Programme, call 0800 008 011 or fill in the form below.

Programme Enquiry

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"Without help from Your Way I Kia Roha, in cooperation with Kylie the class teacher, I would have had no idea how to deal with my granddaughter’s transition from High School to the big wide world. My granddaughter has had a really difficult time with her health in the past two years, affecting both her physical and mental abilities. This has added to our problems of trying to work out what will be best for her future, as what she would have been capable of two years ago is totally different to today."
Sue Reid
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