Hidden Disabilities Sunflower: Making the Invisible Visible

Wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard allows people with disabilities that are not immediately obvious to discreetly indicate to others – such as airport staff, colleagues, and health professionals – that they may need extra support, care, and time.
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower was established in the UK in 2016 to assist adults and children with hidden disabilities such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, and visual and hearing impairments. Since then, it has been adopted globally by major airports and venues, and an increasing number of small and large businesses and organisations.
It’s estimated that one in five New Zealanders has a disability and 80 per cent of those are invisible ones. People with hidden disabilities experience challenges as they travel or visit facilities around the country.
Read on to find out how you can support this important movement.
Organisations Can Join the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Initiative
Your organisation can become a member of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Initiative.
Membership includes:
- Access to the Sunflower training so your team can identify the Sunflower, gain an understanding of what a non-visible disability is, and become confident to approach and support people who are wearing a Sunflower.
- Your organisation location added to the Sunflower location map, so that our Sunflower wearers can discover your organisation.
- Media pack and support during your launch to your organisation.
- Discounts on Sunflower products.
To find out more about becoming a member, visit the Hidden Disabilities Website
Sunflower Training for Businesses and Organisations
Your Way | Kia Roha offers training to businesses and organisations who are members of the Sunflower Initiative and want to welcome and support wearers of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyards.