23 November 2016 – Three parents with autistic children have shared their experiences in the latest edition of the quarterly Altogether Autism journal out in digital form today.
The theme for the journal is Parenting on the Spectrum which according to Altogether Autism national manager Catherine Trezona comes with a unique set of challenges.
“In the journal we’ve explored these challenges and reflected on some of the joys involved either parenting a child on the spectrum or whether you are a parent yourself with autism.
“Every journey is different,” she says.
Tauranga mother and son Carleen Gilbert and Felix Fowler feature on the cover.
Carleen is a mother of two, one of them on the spectrum as she is herself.
Two years ago she knew nothing about autism spectrum disorder. It was when Felix turned 14 that their whole world changed.
Today she is part of a social support group called Mockingbird; has formed a separate teen girls group and is working towards establishing a co-op community place where people on the spectrum, either young or old, can share training, work and sustainable living.
“It is my goal for my son to be happy, have a safe community and a reason to get out of bed long after I’ve gone.”
Other articles include a look at a new Christchurch public garden that appeals to all five senses, Altogether Autism’s position on seclusion in schools, how daily routines support autistic children’s learning by McKenzie Centre speech therapist Estelle Pretorius and clinical psychologist Jenny Gibbs on when should a parent be concerned enough to seek an assessment for their child.
- Altogether Autism is a free, nationwide autism information and advisory service provided as a partnership between Life Unlimited and Parent to Parent New Zealand.