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Employment support from Work and Income

Young man at his new job in cafe

Work and Income provide a range of supports for people with disability who wish to find employment.

If you’re looking for a job then Work and Income can help you get work ready with tips about writing CVs and cover letters, support to attend training, and financial support to help with the costs of searching for work or attending interviews.

You can also search the Work and Income website for job opportunities. You will need to register with Work and Income before applying for a job via the website, but you don’t have to be a Work and Income client.

Work obligations for beneficiaries

If you receive Jobseeker Support from Work and Income, then depending on your disability or health needs, you may be required to prepare for work. This could mean attending job training courses or applying for jobs.

People on the Supported Living Payment don’t have to find work, but if finding a job is one of your goals then Work and Income can help. If you join Opt In you’ll be given a case manager who will work with you on ideas for training, study or finding a job that suits you.

If you are getting the Supported Living Payment you might be able to try out going back to work – doing fewer hours – without losing your benefit. The Sustainable Employment Trial allows you to work 15 or more hours a week for half a year (26 weeks) to see if you are fit to take up some work again. You will need to talk with Work and Income to find out if a trail is suitable for you.

Support in your new job

Once you have found a new job, Work and Income can provide assistance to transition to work to help with things like clothing, tools, relocation costs or living expenses until your first pay.

Flexi-wage is a payment from the Government to your employer. If you are eligible for Flexi-wage, then it can be used to subsidise your wages and pay for training so you can get the skills you need do the job.

If you have previously received the Supported Living Payment you may be entitled to a Work Bonus. It’s paid to people who move into a new job even though they are not under obligation to find work.

In-Work Support is an optional service from Work and Income that provides support to people in work. If you choose to join, Work and Income will check in with you occasionally to make sure everything is going well and to talk about any financial support or services you may be entitled to.

Even after you start work, you may still be eligible for assistance from Work and Income to help with the costs of childcare and accommodation. If you have dependent children, you might also receive extra assistance from Working for Families.

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