Supported employment means finding ways to assist people with disabilities to reach their career goals and participate in the labour market.
The process involves more than just finding a job for a person. Supported employment means meeting a person’s individual needs for fulfilling employment and providing ongoing support in the workplace for as long as it is needed.
There are a number of employment agencies that can support you to find work. You can search for employment services in your region at the New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) website.
Employment funding from Workbridge
Workbridge is just one of a number of specialist employment services that works with people with all types of disability, injury or illness. Their service is available throughout most of New Zealand. Workbridge are also responsible for administering three support funds on behalf of the Ministry of Social Development to help disabled people in the workplace.
- Job Support helps people moving into employment as well as assisting people who are in employment to stay in their jobs when they have an onset of a disability or a worsening condition. This may include modifications or the purchase of special equipment to accommodate a person’s disability, additional transport costs, induction training or job coaching.
- Training Support is financial support for a person with a disability undergoing a period of assessment, work experience, training or education as part of their plan to gain open employment.
Mainstream Employment Programme
The Ministry of Social Development runs the Mainstream Employment Programme, which provides a package of subsidies, training, and other support to help people with significant disabilities gain sustainable employment. It provides a 100% salary subsidy for the first half of an agreed term (up to 104 weeks), and 80% of the salary for the second half. Participants of the programme are prioritised depending on factors such as age, tertiary education, work history and the sustainability of the job opportunity. You can speak to an employment agency to find out whether you are eligible for the scheme, and ask them to apply on your behalf.