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New approaches to disability funding

group meeting at table

Published 7 April 2018.

If you live in certain regions of New Zealand, you might be interested in new programmes and initiatives that use the New Model for disability support. These offer greater choice, control and flexibility. They include:

Local Area Coordination (Bay of Plenty)

Local Area Coordinators work with you to plan a good life by linking into your community’s activities and resources. LAC is available to people living in the Bay of Plenty (including the Lakes Region).

Enhanced Individualised Funding (Eastern and Western Bay of Plenty)

Enhanced Individualised Funding enables disabled people to have more choices and control over funding, including for living options.

Choice in Community Living (Auckland and Waikato)

Choice in Community Living is an alternative to existing residential services that enable disabled people to be supported to live in their own homes. People with significant disabilities who live in Auckland, Hutt Valley, Otago/Southland and Waikato are taking part in this service.

Supported Self-Assessment (Bay of Plenty and Lakes regions)

Supported Self-Assessment – Understanding You and Your Situation is a new self-assessment form that assesses your needs based on your strengths and capabilities. It helps the Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) learn more about you and work out what disability supports you require to meet your goals.

Enabling Good Lives (Waikato and Christchurch)

Enabling Good Lives (EGL) is a new approach to supporting disabled people that offers greater choice and control over the supports you receive, so that you can plan for the life you want.

Kerrianne balances on a beamRead our story about Kerrianne Arvidson, who takes part in the Waikato Enabling Good Lives demonstration.

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