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Protect your hearing during duck season 

Hear, Hear!   

Duck season’s here, and so are the loud bangs!  Be mindful of the risks loud noises pose to your precious hearing. 
Noise over 140 decibels like a gunshot can result in permanent hearing damage -almost all firearms are in this range or louder. 

A graph showing a range od decibel sound levels. The lowest at 30 decibels is the wind, followed by a creaking house, then normal conversation. at 70 decibels is a printer, and at 75 is a vacuum. Listed at 80-89 in a lawnmower, with a warning that sounds above 85 dB are Harmful. Next at 90-95 is a moving train. At 96-100 is a boombox stereo. at 101- 105 is a party and at 106-115 is a chainsaw. Continuing on, a rally with a megaphone is at 120-129 dB, and a plane is 130. The loudest noise on the graph is a gun, at 140.

The good news is that hearing loss from noise damage is preventable. 

Cover Those Ears

Don’t forget to pop on those earmuffs or plugs before you head out for duck season.  It’s like giving your ears a safe blanket during the shooting adventure! 

Mind the Boom!

Know the risks of exposure to loud bangs.  Keep those ears safe from the thunderous blasts of duck season. 

Sound Investment

Treat your ears like your hearing depends on them with top-notch protection that’s both effective and stylish.  Specialised hearing protection is readily available from the suppliers below.  Ear buds give you a better fit and, therefore, superior protection over earmuffs. 

Spread the Word, Not the Noise

Be the chirpy advocate for hearing safety.  Chat about the importance of protecting our ears during hunting season.  

Take a Breather:  Break time!   

Give your ears a breather and switch between shooting and taking a break to 
keep those ears happy and healthy. 

Check-Up Time

Get your ears checked by a hearing therapist regularly.  Catching issues early means you’ll keep enjoying the sounds of nature to the fullest! 

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