Hearing loss is a significant issue facing the New Zealand population with 880,350 people in New Zealand now living with some type of hearing loss.
This represents 18.9% of the population and costs the health sector an estimated $131.8 million each year.
These are some of the key findings from a research report commissioned by National Foundation for the Deaf to look at the economic impact of hearing loss.
The report also shows productivity losses of $552.4 million a year or $627 per person.
“The purpose of this research has been to draw back the curtain on the economic cost of hearing loss in our country which has never been done before” says Professor Peter Thorne, Foundation President.
Life Unlimited Hearing Therapy manager, Jessica Lissaman, welcomes the new report.
“The impact on people’s lives can be huge – hearing loss can be frustrating and lead to social isolation with far-reaching impacts.”
Life Unlimited Hearing Therapy is contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide a national, free independent hearing therapy (aural rehabilitation) service to New Zealand citizens and permanent residents aged 16 years and over.
Read the full report on the National Foundation for the Deaf website.