Learning & Information | Rukuhia Te Puna Mātauranga

Could you be missing out?

Hearing loss can lead to communication breakdown and result in frustration and isolation.

Sometimes hearing loss can deprive a person of important life signals e.g. the kettle boiling, a tap at the door.

If hearing difficulties are affecting you, qualified hearing therapists from Life Unlimited (now known as
Your Way | Kia Roha) can help identify some possible solutions.

As part of 2019’s Hearing Awareness Week from 3-9 March, they will be out in the community with more information.

Details will appear on the Your Way | Kia Roha Facebook page.

“We provide a hearing test to evaluate the impact of your hearing loss. We also provide information on hearing aids and funding options and offer practical advice for living with hearing conditions like tinnitus,” says hearing service and development manager, Sally Taylor.

“We can provide information about assistive listening devices such as amplified telephones, smoke alarms, TV headphones and personal listening devices as possible alternatives to hearing aids for some people,” says Sally.

Your Way | Kia Roha Hearing Therapy is funded by the Whaikaha  – Ministry of Disabled People for New Zealand adults. Self-referrals welcome. Phone 0800 008 011 or www.hearingtherapy.co.nz


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