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Enabling Good Lives: Kerrianne’s journey

Kerrianne balances on a beam

Tracy Edwards reckons daughter Kerrianne is a real people person. “She’s always been involved in everything,” says Tracy.

During her time at Wings – a vocational service in Morrinsville run by IDEA Services – Kerrianne was supported to find work delivering the Piako Post and at the RSA. She also took on an advocacy role with IHC to support other people with disabilities.

But when the family moved further away from Morrinsville it meant Kerrianne had to give it all up.

“It was a mission to keep her there. Once we moved from Morrinsville to Tauwhare the support became nought. So Kerrianne decided she’d be at home all the time. But I didn’t think that was fair because she likes to do her own stuff,” says Tracy.

It can be a challenge accessing services for rural families, particularly when there’s a busy farm and a large family to look after.

“I think that there’s a big gap for any parent with a child with a disability in any area that’s not close to a facility,” says Tracy.

Kerrianne receives certificate at Life Fit class
Kerrianne receives trainer of the day from Life Fit instructors Toni Hall and Mona Patel.

Enabling Good Lives has thrown a lifeline to Kerrianne and her family. It gives them the flexibility to use funding for the supports they need. In Kerrianne’s case, travelling to and from the activities she loves is a high priority.

Kerrianne relies on Driving Miss Daisy for transport. It takes a big chunk of the funding but means she can attend Life Fit – a weekly exercise class run by Life Unlimited (now known as Your Way | Kia Roha). It also means Kerrianne can go to waiata group at Kirikiriroa Marae – waiata is a lifelong passion of Kerrianne’s.

Learn more about new approaches to disability funding like Enabling Good Lives.

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