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All ears at Pasifika Festival

1 April 2018 – Almost 200 people will be enjoying better peace of mind after having their ears checked at Pasifika Festival.

It’s a record number for the Life Unlimited Hearing team.

“Last year we checked 98 pairs of ears, but this year we set ourselves a goal to see even more,” says Manukau-based hearing therapist Trish Carraher.

The team exceeded expectation with 182 people stopping in to have an ear check and a chat about how they can get support from the free Ministry of Health-funded service.

“It was great to see so many people be proactive and stop to ask for advice,” says Trish.

“We know it can take many years for people who think they may have a problem with their hearing to get the help they need. Like any health issue, the earlier we see them the better.”

Trish says hearing difficulties can have a big impact at work, school and socially.

“Hearing loss can affect relationships with family and friends, and it can be very isolating for people.

“So, coming up with strategies to help communication is really important for those relationships.”

A hearing therapist can support people living with hearing loss and their loved ones to identify ways to improve communication.

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