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National support organisations

People meeting around table

There’s nothing like getting support or advice from someone that knows a bit about what you’re going through. National support organisations based on conditions and impairments offer a range of services and advice, including information packs, phone and online help services, and advocacy.
Here’s a list of some key organisations that might be able to help. Please let us know if you’d like us to add other organisations to this list.

Allergy New Zealand
Provides information, education and support to the many thousands of New Zealanders living with allergies, including those at risk of anaphylaxis.

Altogether Autism
Altogether Autism is a free NZ-wide service for autism information and advice. They provide reliable information for NZ parents, educators & professionals.

Alzheimers New Zealand
Alzheimers New Zealand Incorporated is a not-for-profit organisation with 21 Alzheimers member organisations located throughout the country that provide support, information, education programmes and services appropriate to their local community.

Aphasia New Zealand (Aphasianz) Charitable Trust
AphasiaNZ provides services, support, education, information and advocacy for the estimated 16,000 New Zealanders living with aphasia.

Arthritis New Zealand
Provides information, education, advice and support to people with arthritis and their families. Provides support groups and referrals to local therapy and service providers.

Arthrogryposis Group New Zealand
Provides support and assistance to people with arthrogryposis and their families and whānau.

Associated New Zealand Myalgic Encephalopathy Society (ANZMES)
A national support organisation for Myalgic Encephalopathy / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) sufferers and their carers in New Zealand.

Asthma Foundation
Advocates to the government and raises awareness of respiratory illnesses, funds research for better treatments and educates on best practices, provides resources on its website and supports 18 affiliated asthma societies to provide education, support and advice services.

Australasian Tuberous Sclerosis Society
ATSS empowers people affected by TSC through access to the best treatment options, up-to-date information and support.

Autism New Zealand
Autism New Zealand Inc. provides support, training, advocacy, resources and information on Autism Spectrum disorders including Aspergers Syndrome.

Brain Injury Association of New Zealand
Supporting New Zealanders living with brain injury. There are 14 Regional Brain Injury Association offices providing support, education and information services throughout New Zealand.

Cerebral Palsy Society
Provides information and support for people with cerebral palsy. The Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ’s mission is ‘To enhance the lives of people with cerebral palsy in NZ, by empowering them to make their own choices’.

Cystic Fibrosis Association of New Zealand
Provides an information service about cystic fibrosis (CF), promotes public awareness, provides support for people with CF and their families, provides educational opportunities for people with CF, provides a voice to Government agencies on behalf of the CF community, encourages and funds CF research.

Diabetes New Zealand
Offers support and education for people with diabetes.

Dyspraxia Support Group of New Zealand
This parent-initiated, voluntary support group for all who care for children with Developmental Dyspraxia, is unique in the help, support and information it provides.

Epilepsy New Zealand
Epilepsy New Zealand provides support for those with the condition and awareness for those around them. Trained field officers offer support and epilepsy education to people with epilepsy, their families and whanau.

Cleft New Zealand
Support network for people with a cleft lip and/or palate.

Fragile X
Fragile X New Zealand is a parent-led, charitable organization that supports New Zealand families living with fragile x genetic disorders.

Guillain Barré Syndrome Support Group NZ Trust
The Guillain Barré (pronounced gee-lane bah-ray) Syndrome Support Group New Zealand Trust is a support group for sufferers and survivors of Guillain Barré Syndrome

IHC and IDEA Services
IHC advocates for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with an intellectual disability. IDEA Services, under the IHC umbrella, provides a range of support and services to help people with an intellectual disability to live satisfying lives in the community.

Heart Kids
Dedicated to providing support for children with heart conditions and their families and whānau.

Huntington’s Disease Associations Of New Zealand
The Huntington’s Disease Associations aim to provide support and advocacy for those with Huntington’s Disease, to provide information and support to family members and associates, to act as a source of information for professionals involved with Huntington’s Disease, to raise public awareness on Huntington’s Disease.

Kidney Kids
A parent organisation set up to meet the needs of children who have kidney disorders and their families and whānau.

Lysosomal Diseases New Zealand
Lysosomal Diseases NZ is a charitable trust dedicated to improving contact between families affected by lysosomal diseases within New Zealand and supporting research into the causes and treatment of lysosomal diseases and improvements in the clinical care of affected people.

Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand Inc.
The MND NZ is a small not-for-profit organisation whose main purpose is to help support people with motor neurone disease and their carers. We have fieldworkers around the country who provide information, advocacy and emotional support and help people have access to the right health services at the right time.

Multiple Sclerosis Society of New Zealand
MSNZ is a non-profit organisation formed to provide on-going support, education and advocacy for people with MS and their support networks.  It also aims to educate the general public, employers and health professionals about MS and actively funds key research into the condition.

Muscular Dystrophy Association
Provides support and information to people living with a neuromuscular condition.

New Zealand Dystonia Patient Network Inc.
The mission of the Dystonia Patient Network is to support dystonia patients with information, advice about living with dystonia and networking opportunities, to increase awareness about dystonia – both among the medical community and the general public, and to encourage and facilitate research, with the aim of seeking better treatments, prevention, a cure.

New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders
Helps people with rare diseases and their families and whānau by providing access to support groups, clinicians and researchers.

New Zealand Spinal Trust
Provides information, resources and support for everyone with spinal cord injuries, their families, friends, caregivers and health professionals.

New Zealand Williams Syndrome Association
Provides help and support for families with a child or adult with Williams syndrome, and resources for parents, teachers, employers and medical professionals.

Parkinson’s New Zealand (The Parkinsonism Society Of New Zealand Inc.)
Parkinson’s New Zealand provides education, information and support for all people with Parkinson’s, their caregivers, friends and families.

Polio NZ Inc
Polio NZ is an incorporated society dedicated to seeking support for people who have had poliomyelitis. It does this through information sharing and where possible, assistance to polio society members and their families, whether or not they are experiencing problems at present.

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association
Provides education, information and support for people with PWS and their families and whānau.
Freephone 0800 479 743

SPELD NZ (Specific Learning Disabilities)
Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia are all specific learning disabilities. SPELD NZ is a not-for-profit organisation that provides information, assessment and tuition to families, whanau, schools, businesses and individuals living with SLDs.

Stroke Foundation Of New Zealand
The Stroke Foundation is the only organisation in New Zealand dedicated to reducing the incidence of stroke, improving treatment outcomes, and supporting those affected by stroke. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that supports a team of Community Stroke Advisors and dozens of stroke clubs throughout New Zealand.

Tourette’s Association NZ
The Tourette’s Association of New Zealand provides support, information and resources for children, teens and adults throughout New Zealand living with Tourette’s.

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