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Local support organisations and contacts

Young man applying for a library card

Here are some organisations and services that could have local staff and contacts to help support you and the person with a disability that you support.

Your local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC)  service can offer advice on what disability support you could be entitled to – and also connect you with other organisations in your area.

Some parts of New Zealand (Hutt Valley/Bay of Plenty/Otago/Southland) also have Local Area Coordination, which aims to find ways to get you engaged in your local community.

All areas of New Zealand have a Disability Information and Advisory Service (DIAS), such as Life Unlimited (now known as Your Way | Kia Roha) in Hamilton, Rotorua, Gisborne and Tauranga. Check out where your local DIAS is here.

The New Zealand Disability Support Network also has an online directory which links you to local services and support organisation.

Your local GP should also be able to connect you with local health providers.

Parent2Parent have staff based around New Zealand and offer training courses to support parents of people with a disability.

Many of the other organisations listed on our national support page will have local branches.

You might also be interested in our section on Advocacy and Legal Support or you could also contact your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

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