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Guide to useful transition information and resources

student using computer with teacher

Here are some organisations and resources that have useful information and support to help during transition periods.


The Ministry of Health Starting School booklet(2010) has information for parents and caregivers of children with special education needs who are about to start primary school and details what support is available until the transition to secondary school. Family can begin discussing longer-term future goals for their child with teachers and Special Education advisors at IEP meetings. This will influence their child’s programme of learning.

The Ministry of Education provides information about leaving school before the age of 16. This is primarily for young people who are not benefiting from staying at school.

Preparing to Leave School (2011) was the Ministry of Education’s key handbook on moving from high school to adult life.  Though older, it still contains relevant information about the roles and responsibilities of people who can help with transition planning, as well as Individual Career Plans and Individual Transition Plans.

The National Transition Guidelines document provides best practice guidelines for specialist educators, schools and parents.

Inclusive Education guides support the creation and development of an inclusive culture that recognises and meets the needs of all students as they transition into school, between schools, and out of school. The linked guide covers transitions. 

NZORD has compiled a list of rare disease support groups, representing diseases with an incidence of 1 in 2000 or less. These groups are a useful first point of contact for support or information on a rare disease and can provide ongoing assistance and community for those affected by rare diseases.

The Your Way | Kia Roha Connections & Funding team supports people living with a disability to have a good life in the community, whether you need local information or someone to work with while you plan and work towards your goals.

Learn more about the Transition Programme delivered by Your Way | Kia Roha in Hamilton.


The Mainstream Employment Programme provides a package of subsidies, training, and other support to help people with significant disabilities get work and to enable them to gain sustainable employment. By taking part in the Programme, employers are tapping into the benefits of employing someone with a disability and future-proofing their workforce.

Employment New Zealand provides information about the types of supports that disabled people can use to find and keep jobs.

Visit our articles on funding, work and study.


The IHC Advice Toolkit is designed to help families and supporters of people with an intellectual disability. The toolkit contains information sheets on topics and issues relevant to the lives of people with intellectual disability and their families.

The Personal Advocacy Trust was set up to watch over the welfare and rights of people with intellectual disabilities after their parents die.


Is it difficult for you to get in and out of or around your home because of your disability? Maybe your home needs modifications to help you remain in it, or return to it. Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People might be able to help fund these modifications.

Supported Living is a service that helps disabled people to live independently by providing support in those areas of their life where help is needed.

Regional Transition Booklets



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