Learning & Information | Rukuhia Te Puna Mātauranga

Do you provide care to someone who needs help with day-to-day living?

New Zealand Aotearoa is a society that values individuals, families, whānau and aiga who support others who need help with their everyday living.

The Ministry of Social Development consulted with carers, whanau, aiga and the wider public on the draft Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023, in July and August 2019. The Action Plan seeks to support carer wellbeing and ensure that the care role is sustainable.

width= Aims of the Draft Action Plan:

  • To improve the wellbeing of carers
  • To support families, whānau and aiga who provide care
  • Read the Discussion Document for the Action Plan or a summary if you don’t want to read the whole Discussion Document.

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