Want to thrive in your life? Our Connections & Funding team are here to help you achieve your goals. (This was previously known as Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) and Local Area Coordination).
Do you need a mobility scooter, living aids or equipment? Mobility Centre has New Zealand’s widest range of mobility equipment and aids, available online and in-store.
Find out more about Your Way | Kia Roha – a charitable trust offering health and disability information, advice and equipment to enable disabled people to thrive.
New Zealand Aotearoa is a society that values individuals, families, whānau and aiga who support others who need help with their everyday living.
The Ministry of Social Development consulted with carers, whanau, aiga and the wider public on the draft Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023, in July and August 2019. The Action Plan seeks to support carer wellbeing and ensure that the care role is sustainable.