Explore our Disability Supports and Services Directory
Explore the support and programmes available from Your Way | Kia Roha across New Zealand. Choose your region to find support and programmes near you.
Want to thrive in your life? Our Connections & Funding team are here to help you achieve your goals. (This was previously known as Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) and Local Area Coordination).
Explore workshops, learning opportunities and information for autistic and disabled people, their families / whānau, and professionals.
We provide free hearing tests and personalised support and can help you access funding.
Do you have questions about autism? Our Altogether Autism team provides autism information you can trust.
Do you need a mobility scooter, living aids or equipment? Mobility Centre has New Zealand’s widest range of mobility equipment and aids, available online and in-store.
Find out more about Your Way | Kia Roha – a charitable trust offering health and disability information, advice and equipment to enable disabled people to thrive.
We are a charitable trust with services spread throughout New Zealand. View our office locations and contact details.
Learning & Information | Rukuhia Te Puna Mātauranga
Home / Learning & Information / Disability Supports and Services Directory / Communication Class
The focus of the communication group is to promote general conversation and does not include direct manipulation of linguistic skills. Group communication targets on increased initiation of conversation and information exchange using whatever communicative means possible. We provide stroke survivors with tools to communicate socially, help regain control over decision making, and improve family and whānau relationships. We aim to improve functional communication in simulated situations such as shopping, reading labels and starting conversations. In addition, we focus on improving cognitive function by completing numeracy and literacy tasks challenging the brain with brain teasers, quizzes, games, puzzles and interactive conversation. Participants stated they gained confidence in communicating with family and whānau, improved their speech and cognitive functions, enhanced thinking and planning skills, and were able to structure their daily living in an organised way. Family and whānau are welcome to attend group meeting to learn communication techniques.