Connections & Funding | Te Ara Whanaungatanga, Te Pūtea Toiora

Tō Oranga Pai | Living Well Plan

Tō Oranga Pai | Living Well Plan is about you and your goals to live a good life.  A good life means different things to different people – it could mean having more support in your home, getting out more, a place to live where your needs are met, finding a job, staying in school or making more friends.

The plan is yours, created by you and anyone you choose to help you (whānau / family, friends, a caregiver, disability organisation).  Our team at Your Way | Kia Roha Connections & Funding can be involved in your plan, or you can complete it yourself.

Our role is to help you achieve your plan.  Once you have completed the plan, contact us and we can talk with you about the next steps.

Remember, you only need to share what you want to share – but the more our team knows about you, the easier it will be to connect you to the right supports, find the resources, support, equipment or information you need.

Ideas to Help You Plan

Included in the plan are ideas that may help you think about what Living Well means for you and your whānau.  These ideas can help you to:  

  • focus on what your life could look like with the right support.  Support might be people, equipment, or information
  • identify what you need so we can connect you with the right support 
  • decide what you want from disability services, and when and how you want them to be in your life
  • know what you would do if your life changes
  • know what is most important to you. Sometimes there isn’t enough funding to achieve all your goals at once.

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