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Getting mobile at 50+

19 March 2018 – The opportunity to be part of the “50 and loving it! festival event” on April 14 and 15 at Hamilton Gardens is too good to miss, says the general manager of mobility experts Life Unlimited Store William Hughes.

The team will be on hand to offer information about support and services and assistive equipment to help people live independently.

“We can help people find the solutions they need so they can enjoy better mobility and live the life they choose,” says William, who will be on the Life Unlimited Store stand.

On show will be Neo Mobility scooters.

“The great thing about Neo is there’s something to suit everyone’s needs.”

There are a lot of other products available that deliver better mobility too, like the stylish and functional Nip Glide walker and the innovative Alinker walking bike.

But sometimes the solutions required to give people the confidence to get out into the community are simpler.

“Difficulty washing or dressing may stop people from getting out, or there might be barriers that they’re dealing with like incontinence or hearing difficulties.

“Sadly these issues are not often talked about but they’re easily remedied with a bit of support and advice,” says William.

That’s where the team at Life Unlimited Store can help, offering information about support and services, and assistive equipment to help people live independently.

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